Morse Code Transmit & Receive

Morse Code Transmit & Receive

Morse Code Transmitter Make a simple morse code transmitter using MakeCode, micro:bits, and some crocodile clips! This tutorial was written by Anahita from the University of California at Berkeley, during her summer internship in Singapore. Goals Connect two...
Coin Sorter

Coin Sorter

Coin Sorter with Micro:bit Ever just accumulate a bunch of coins in a jar and now want to sort out the giant mess your past self should have foreseen? No? Just me? Ok well let’s build a coin sorter for fun then, adding on an ultrasound to count the amount you...
μ reMorse

μ reMorse

µ reMorse Make a  Morse Code “Keyboard”/Editor the hard way.   Goals A Morse Code keyboard/Editor made using the C/C++ Micro:bit Runtime Interprets a combination of short and long button presses into characters using Morse code. Send characters over...
Game:bit Kit Assembly Instructions

Game:bit Kit Assembly Instructions

Put together the Game:bit! Let’s figure out where all those screws are supposed to go. Goals Assemble the game:bit. Try not to break it. Helpful Hint: Toggle through pictures for each step for more photographic detail! ! Materials 1 x Game:bit kit 1 x...
Wire Transmission

Wire Transmission

micro:bit Wire Transmission Communicate between two micro:bits using Morse code, fishing line, a servo and a sensor! Why use micro:bit’s radio when this is so much cooler? Goals Use Python to programme the micro:bit Use dictionaries to encode and decode Morse...