

Getting Started


Project 01: Music Machine


Pin Layout

  • Buzzer: Pin0
  • ADKeypad: Pin2


Small note about the ADKeypad

The ADKeypad returns an analog signal when its buttons are pressed. Each button pressed would return a unique integer value ranging from 0 (meaning 0V) to 1023 (meaning 3V). 

However, it is not uncommon that each button would give a small range of values when pressed at different times and different ADKeypads might give different signals yet again. Hence, in this example code, we provide a range of possible values that your ADKeypad’s buttons are likely to return when pressed. 

Feel free to test out the values that your ADKeypad might return when pressed and change the values in the example code 🙂


# Write your code here :-)
from microbit import *
import music 

# pins
ADKeypad_pin = pin2
Buzzer_pin = pin0

while True:
    # buttonA 
    if ADKeypad_pin.read_analog() > 0 and ADKeypad_pin.read_analog() < 10:
        music.play('f3:4', pin=Buzzer_pin)
    # buttonB 
    if ADKeypad_pin.read_analog() > 45 and ADKeypad_pin.read_analog() < 55:
        music.play('g3:4', pin=Buzzer_pin)

    # buttonC 
    if ADKeypad_pin.read_analog() > 90 and ADKeypad_pin.read_analog() < 100:
        music.play('a3:4', pin=Buzzer_pin)
    # buttonD 
    if ADKeypad_pin.read_analog() > 136 and ADKeypad_pin.read_analog() < 139:
        music.play('b3:4', pin=Buzzer_pin)
    # buttonE 
    if ADKeypad_pin.read_analog() > 535 and ADKeypad_pin.read_analog() < 545:
        music.play('c2:4', pin=Buzzer_pin)

Project 02: Smart Light

Pin Layout

  • PIR Sensor: Pin0
  • LED: Pin1
from microbit import *

PIR_pin = pin0
LED_pin = pin1

while True:
    # if PIR Sensor detects motion, turn on LED
    if PIR_pin.read_digital(): 

Project 03: Electro-Theremin

Pin Layout

  • Buzzer: Pin0
  • Potentiometer: Pin1
from microbit import *
import music

Potentiometer_pin = pin1
Buzzer_pin = pin2

# values for mapping 
highest_p_note = 1023
lowest_p_note = 1
highest_note  = 988
lowest_note = 131

potentiometer_note = 0
modified_note = lowest_note

#modify the note 
def modify_note(p_value): # p is potentiometer
    new_note = (p_value-lowest_p_note)/(highest_p_note-lowest_p_note)*(highest_note-lowest_note)+ lowest_note
    return int(new_note)
while True:
    potentiometer_note = Potentiometer_pin.read_analog()
    modified_note = modify_note(potentiometer_note)
    music.pitch(modified_note, pin = Buzzer_pin)

Project 04: Simple Alarm Box

Pin Layout

  • Crash Sensor: Pin0
  • LED: Pin8
  • OLED: I2C row (at the bottom of the BoB)
from microbit import *
import time
import math

# Adapted from https://github.com/fizban99/microbit_ssd1306
OLED_ADDR = 0x3c
oled_screen = bytearray('b\x40') + bytearray(512)

def oled_initialize():
    for c in ([0xae], [0xa4], [0xd5, 0xf0], [0xa8, 0x3f], [0xd3, 0x00], [0 | 0x0], [0x8d, 0x14], [0x20, 0x00], [0x21, 0, 127], [0x22, 0, 63], [0xa0 | 0x1], [0xc8], [0xda, 0x12], [0x81, 0xcf], [0xd9, 0xf1], [0xdb, 0x40], [0xa6], [0xd6, 1], [0xaf]):
        i2c.write(OLED_ADDR, b'\x00' + bytearray(c))

def oled_set_pos(col=0, page=0):
    i2c.write(OLED_ADDR, b'\x00' + bytearray([0xb0 | page]))
    c1, c2 = col * 2 & 0x0F, col >> 3
    i2c.write(OLED_ADDR, b'\x00' + bytearray([0x00 | c1]))
    i2c.write(OLED_ADDR, b'\x00' + bytearray([0x10 | c2]))

def oled_clear_screen(c=0):
    global oled_screen
    for i in range(1, 513):
        oled_screen[i] = 0

def oled_draw_screen():
    global oled_screen
    i2c.write(OLED_ADDR, oled_screen)

def oled_add_text(x, y, text):
    global oled_screen
    for i in range(0, min(len(text), 12 - x)):
        for c in range(0, 5):
            col = 0
            for r in range(1, 6):
                p = Image(text[i]).get_pixel(c, r - 1)
                col = col | (1 << r) if (p != 0) else col
            ind = x * 10 + y * 128 + i * 10 + c * 2 + 1
            oled_screen[ind], oled_screen[ind + 1] = col, col
    oled_set_pos(x * 5, y)
    ind0 = x * 10 + y * 128 + 1
    i2c.write(OLED_ADDR, b'\x40' + oled_screen[ind0 : (ind+1)])

#allow overflow to go onto the next line
def oled_add_text_new_line(x, y, text):
    length_text = len(text)
    separated_text = []
    counter = 0
    num_of_lines = math.ceil(length_text/12)
    letters_in_line = 12 
    for line in range(0,num_of_lines):
        for l in range(0,letters_in_line):
            counter +=1
            if counter == length_text:
    #draw letters
    for i in range(0,len(separated_text)):

# Screen divided into 12 columns and 4 rows


# Start Simple Alarm Box Code here 

CrashSensor_pin = pin0
LED_pin = pin8

#set up crash sensor

#other variables
has_text = False

while True:
    if CrashSensor_pin.read_digital() == 1:
        if has_text == False : #checks if oled screen has the message already, if not add it
            oled_add_text_new_line(0, 0, "Your treasure is safe")
            has_text = True
        #clear oled screen 
        has_text = False
        #make LED blink

Project 05: Plant Monitoring Device

Pin Layout

  • Buzzer: Pin0
  • Soil Moisture Sensor: Pin1
  • OLED: I2C row (at the bottom of the BoB)
from microbit import *
import time
import math
import music

# Adapted from https://github.com/fizban99/microbit_ssd1306
OLED_ADDR = 0x3c
oled_screen = bytearray('b\x40') + bytearray(512)

def oled_initialize():
    for c in ([0xae], [0xa4], [0xd5, 0xf0], [0xa8, 0x3f], [0xd3, 0x00], [0 | 0x0], [0x8d, 0x14], [0x20, 0x00], [0x21, 0, 127], [0x22, 0, 63], [0xa0 | 0x1], [0xc8], [0xda, 0x12], [0x81, 0xcf], [0xd9, 0xf1], [0xdb, 0x40], [0xa6], [0xd6, 1], [0xaf]):
        i2c.write(OLED_ADDR, b'\x00' + bytearray(c))

def oled_set_pos(col=0, page=0):
    i2c.write(OLED_ADDR, b'\x00' + bytearray([0xb0 | page]))
    c1, c2 = col * 2 & 0x0F, col >> 3
    i2c.write(OLED_ADDR, b'\x00' + bytearray([0x00 | c1]))
    i2c.write(OLED_ADDR, b'\x00' + bytearray([0x10 | c2]))

def oled_clear_screen(c=0):
    global oled_screen
    for i in range(1, 513):
        oled_screen[i] = 0

def oled_draw_screen():
    global oled_screen
    i2c.write(OLED_ADDR, oled_screen)

def oled_add_text(x, y, text):
    global oled_screen
    for i in range(0, min(len(text), 12 - x)):
        for c in range(0, 5):
            col = 0
            for r in range(1, 6):
                p = Image(text[i]).get_pixel(c, r - 1)
                col = col | (1 << r) if (p != 0) else col
            ind = x * 10 + y * 128 + i * 10 + c * 2 + 1
            oled_screen[ind], oled_screen[ind + 1] = col, col
    oled_set_pos(x * 5, y)
    ind0 = x * 10 + y * 128 + 1
    i2c.write(OLED_ADDR, b'\x40' + oled_screen[ind0 : (ind+1)])

#allow overflow to go onto the next line
def oled_add_text_new_line(x, y, text):
    length_text = len(text)
    separated_text = []
    counter = 0
    num_of_lines = math.ceil(length_text/12)
    letters_in_line = 12 
    for line in range(0,num_of_lines):
        for l in range(0,letters_in_line):
            counter +=1
            if counter == length_text:
    #draw letters
    for i in range(0,len(separated_text)):

# Screen divided into 12 columns and 4 rows


# Start Plant Monitoring Device Code here 

Buzzer_pin = pin0
MoistureSensor_pin = pin1
Servo_pin = pin8

#other variables
healthWarning = False
oled_add_text_new_line(0, 0, "Your plant is in good condition")

while True:
    if MoistureSensor_pin.read_analog() <50:
        if healthWarning == False : #checks if oled screen has the message already, if not add it
            oled_add_text_new_line(0, 0, "Moisture level is: %d" % MoistureSensor_pin.read_analog())
            oled_add_text_new_line(0, 2, "Water your plant!")
            healthWarning = True
        music.play('b3:1', pin = Buzzer_pin)
        #clear oled screen
       if healthWarning == True:
            healthWarning = False
            oled_add_text_new_line(0, 0, "Your plant is in good condition")

Get Creative!

Mix and match the component in the Tinker Kit to create your own projects.

For a more comprehensive explanation of MicroPython, visit the official documentation here!