Flappy Bird

Flappy Bird

micro:bit Flappy Bird Game Take flight and achieve your pipe dreams with your own version of the notoriously challenging Flappy Bird game, using nothing but a micro:bit (no extras needed) and some Python code. Made by Cheryl from Raffles Institution. Warning: heavy...
Finger dexterity game

Finger dexterity game

Finger Dexterity Micro:bit Game Are your psychomotor skills as bad as mine? Goals We are going to create a game where the player must click on a key (on the ADKeypad) that corresponds to the column on which a random LED lights up (A for the first column and E for the...
Pitch Perfect

Pitch Perfect

Pitch Perfect Do you think your ears are pitch perfect, then try my game. Or even better, create one! Goals Learn how to use a ADKeypad, the OLED screen and the buzzer Make something with a ADKeypad, OLED screen and the buzzer Learn the if-else statement functionality...


QUICK MATHS QUICK MATHS a game where its all about testing your mental calculations. Too slow and you lose, too fast you may make mistakes. Step 0 – Pre Build Overview use a Buzzer and OLED with the micro:bit. use if-else statements to evaluate conditions....
Electric Spirit Level

Electric Spirit Level

Create an Electric Spirit Level Use this spirit level to quickly and easily display the tilt of any object attached! Created by Kaitlyn from Raffles Institution. Goals Learn to use tilt readings from the micro:bit’s in-built accelerometer Learn to work with...