Machine Learning

Suitable for:
Above 19 years

6 – 16 hours

There is a steady flow of news announcing a new breakthrough or a new application built on top of Machine Learning (ML). The field is advanced enough to beat top human players in chess and Go, diagnose cancer better than doctors, and will soon be driving our cars with full autonomy. Elon Musk fears the domination of Artificial Intelligence (AI) that could lead to the rise of an immortal AI dictator, while others mock his prediction as far-fetched.

What you’ll learn


By the end of this course, students will be able to:
– explain how ML works at a high-level
– describe a typical ML workflow from data gathering to deployment
– use libraries to create an image classification ML project
– describe the potential and limitations of AI as well as understand the ethical issues that AI faces

Learn for Life

– Global awareness

Course Outline

Module 1 (16 hrs):
* What is ML and AI?
* Types of ML
* Exploring ML workflow using IBM Watson
* Regression
* Neural Networks
* Using to build an image classifier
* Building a Pokemon classification web app and deploying it
* AI Ethics

What you’ll need


Google Colaboratory


laptop computer, internet access



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